La 6 Défoulée

Logo 6000D

6000D edition 2024, 34 years of pleasure… July 25 to 27

The 6000D, a legendary race and the first of its kind, is still considered a challenge by most trail runners.

NEW 2024

Individual challenge, accessible to all

A departure and arrival in Plagne Bellecôte, this Trail of 5km and 250 m (D+), you will leave in the direction of the climb to reach the Dou du Praz then the fruit farm and direction Belle Plagne to then go back down to Plagne Bellecote at the arrival.

The atmosphere 6000D

La 6 Défoulée is a new race intended for the general public to participate in the big weekend of the 6000D. This 5km course for 250m D+ will be accessible to everyone. For this 34th year, a large and enthusiastic audience will encourage you throughout the course, on FRIDAY JULY 26, 2024

arche de depart 6000D

Organization of the 6 Défoulée :

News race

FRIDAY JULY 26, 2024
5 km on a marked route.

Race information

  • 5km – 250 m elevation gain
  • Altitude at the start and finish : 1922 m
  • Highest point of the race : 2140 m
  • Start : 9.30am
  • Pas de limite horaire
  • No time barrier
  • limited to 500 runners
  • Price : 10€ – 15€, according to date of registration
  • Online registration closes on July 21th, 2024
  • Medical certificate or license compulsory for the registration
  • The age limit to run the 6 Défoulée is 14 years (in the year 2010)
  • Mandatory equipment : a mobile phone, reusable cup or flask, a zipped bag to put your food at the energy refueling station and your 4 safety pins or other hooks for the bib
    (be careful it can be very cold at altitude)
  • Strongly recommended : water and food
  • You will need to bring your reusable cup because there will no longer be disposable cups at refreshment points to limit waste.
  • The distribution of bibs will take place in Aime (village hall) on Thursday July 25, 2024 from 9:00 am. to 6:30 pm. then on the morning of the race on Friday July 26, 2024 from 8:30 am. at the start. Please note, the identity card is mandatory for collecting the bib and this on an individual basis.
  • A baggage room will be available at the start point in Plagne Bellecôte

Collect your bib

The bib can be collected from the salle des fêtes of Aime right next to the start :
– Thursday July 25, 2024 from 2 pm to 7.00 pm
– Friday 26 July 2024 on site departing from Plagne Bellecôte from 8:30 am

La société d’Aménagement de la Plagne

Plagne Bellecote gondola to Live 3000

Friday July 26 and Saturday July 27, 2024 – Accompanying person price of €12 – (cycling prohibited)