La 6 Découverte

Logo 6000D

6000D edition 2024, 34 years of pleasure… July 25 to 27

The 6000D, a legendary race and the first of its kind, is still considered a challenge by most trail runners.

Individual challenge, accessible to all

Starting and finishing in Plagne Centre, this 11km Trail with 600m (D+) will take you towards Plagne Villages to reach Plagne Bellecôte.
Then you will take the ascent to Dou du Praz by the footpath to go back down towards Lac Vert and then climb to Plagne Aime 2000 to come back down to the finish in Plagne Centre.

The atmosphere 6D

The 6 Découverte is a race intended for the general public (beginners, initiated, experienced and young people) to take part in the great weekend of the 6000D.
This course will take you through the high altitude resorts of the Grande Plagne on footpaths.
For this 34nd year, a large and enthusiastic public will encourage you throughout the race, on THURSDAY JULY 25, 2024

arche de depart 6000D

Organization of the 6 Découverte

THURSDAY, July 25th 2024
11 km over a marked course with control points

Race information

  • 11km – 600 m of elevation gain
  • Altitude of start and finish point: 1979 m
  • Highest point of the course: 2151  m
  • Start 9.30am
  • No Time limited and Barrier Time
  • Limited to 500 Runners
  • Price : 17 – 23€, according to the date of registration.
  • Online registration closes on July 21th, 2024
  • Minimum age for the 6 Découverte is 16 years old ( born before 2008)
  • Compulsory material: mobile phone, reusable cup or flask, a zipped bag to put your food at the arrival and your 4 safety pins or other hooks for the bib.
    (but remember it can be cold at altitude)
  • Highly recommend : water and food because there are no refreshments on the course
  • you will need to provide reusable foldable tumbler because there will be more disposable cup on the feeding stations to limit the waste
  • The distribution of bibs will take place at Plagne Center at the start of the race on Thursday July 25 from 7:30 am. An identity card is required for the withdrawal of the bib (individually).
  • There will be a room in Plagne Centre where you can leave your belongings

Pick up your bib

At the Plagne Centre sports hall

– Wednesday, July 24, 2024 from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
– Thursday, July 25, 2024 from 7:30 am to 8:30 am

La société d’Aménagement de la Plagne

Plagne Bellecote gondola to Live 3000

Friday July 26 and Saturday July 27, Accompanying person price of €12 – (cycling prohibited)