La 6 Défi : 3 courses


The organization of the 6000D offers

La 6Défi

Complete 3 races from Thursday to Saturday

La 6 Découverte (11km) on Thursday, La 6D Lacs (30km) on Friday and La 6D Marathon (43km) on Saturday

AAwardses description :

La 6 Découverte

La 6D Lacs

La 6D Marathon

Registration :

A race pack is offered to you in the registration tab with a preferential rate

Lien pour consulter les tarifs

Number collection: 1 number per race

We remind you that you will need to show proof of identity to collect your number. Please do not forget your 4 safety pins to attach your number. Please note that to collect your race number you will need to be in possession of proof of identity and your race number collection card, which will be sent to you. Your number will be collected by means of a personalised QR code:
Stage 1: A few days before your race, you will receive a ‘race number collection card’ e-mail containing :
-a link to download your card, which will display your personalised QR code to be presented when collecting your race number
– race information
Step 2: Download your card, save it on your phone or print it out
Step 3: On D-Day, present your Card with the QR Code (via your phone or in paper format) to collect your race number.

For the 6 Défi: You will not be able to pick up your three race numbers at the same time.
Please collect them
in advance on Wednesday 24 July from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm at the Plagne Centre sports hall for the 6D Découverte and on Thursday 25 July at the Aime village hall for the 6D Lacs and 6D Marathon.
at the race venues on the days and at the times indicated (see below)
Wednesday 24 July 2024 :
– from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm: Number distribution for the 6 Découverte at the Plagne Centre sports hall.

Thursday 25 July 2024:
– 2.00 pm to 7.00 pm: Welcome and distribution of race numbers for the 6000D, the 6000D 3-person relay, the 6D Marathon, the 6D Lacs and the 6 Défoulée at the Salle des Fêtes in Aime.
– 7.30am to 8.30am: Number distribution for the 6 Découverte at the sports hall at the start in Plagne Centre
– From 10.30am: Number bibs for the 6D Kid’s race at the salle omnisports at the start in Plagne Centre

– 3.30pm: 6D Bob race numbers handed over at the timing tower on the Olympic Bobsleigh track

Friday 26 July 2024 :
– from 10.00 am to 7.00 pm: Welcome and number collection for the 6000D, the 6000D 3-man relay and the 6D Marathon at the Salle des Fêtes in Aime
– 7.30am to 8.30am: Number distribution for the 6D Lacs at the start in Plagne Bellecôte
– 8.30am to 9.30am: Number distribution for the 6 Défoulée starting at Plagne Bellecôte

Saturday 27 July 2024 :
– 3.30 am to 5.00 am: Number collection for the 6000D and 6000D 3-man relay in Aime.
– 4.45 am to 5.30 am: Number distribution for the 6D Marathon in Aime.

Regulations :

Before registering you must consult the regulations for each race

Règlement de la 6 Découverte

Règlement de la 6D Lacs

Règlement de la 6D Marathon

Route and roadbook :

La 6 Découverte

La 6D Lacs

La 6D Marathon

Ranking :

Your ranking would be established with the cumulative times of each race

Awards :

Espoirs to M2
1st, 2nd and 3rd Women and Men
M3 and +
1st, 2nd and 3rd Women and Men