Online registration has been postponed until
Tuesday 23 July 2024 at midnight



Registrations for 2024 are via internet with secure online payment by credit card.
Before entering, you must read the rules before registering for the chosen race.

Organization contact details : Office du Tourisme de la Grande Plagne, la Plagne Altitude, La 6000D, Centre administratif, Plagne Centre, 73210 LA PLAGNE TARENTAISE, France
Tel : 04 79 09 20 15
Mail :

Right of engagement

  • Price according to date and race as well as what is included
  • Entry fees include the services described in the regulations.
  • Race entries are firm and final and it is not possible to change races.
  • No resale of bibs is allowed
  • Please note to collect your bib you will need to be in possession of an individual identity document and your withdrawal card which will be sent to you. 

Online registration

registration opens on December 1, 2023
I want to register
Access to the SUBSCRIBE page
Find all the information at the end of the page for the different prices, what registration includes, the closing dates for registrations and the number of runners authorized for the different races.

Online registration deadline

We inform you that online registrations will be open until Sunday 21 July 2024 midnight for all races except the 6D Bob and 6+D Kid’s on Wednesday 24 July.

Beyond this date no registration will be taken in account.

Article from the regulations: cancelling your registration

We offer you at the end of your online registration to subscribe to cancellation insurance with Beticketing with MutuAide (11.53% of the amount of the registration), in case of unforeseen and / or accidental impossibility to participate in the event , just go back to your runner’s area (until July 25, 2024) and ask for a refund.

You will be refunded 80% of the registration amount in the days following the event and without having to provide proof. Attention, the cancellation insurance covers only the registration and not the paid options subscribed in the form.

More information here:

You ensured your bib when you registered and you need information? Please contact Assur Connect on

No bib numbers can be exchanged (between races or competitors). and no resale is allowed.
An identity document is required for the withdrawal of the bib (individually).

Procedure for collecting bibs

We remind you that an identity document will be required for the collection of your bib. Please do not forget your 4 safety pins to hang your bib.

As a reminder, your bib will be collected via a personalized QR code:

Step 1: A few days before your race, you will receive an e-mail “Bib withdrawal card” which will include:
– A download link for your card, which will display your personalized QR Code to present when collecting your bib – Race info

Step 2: Download your card, save it to your phone or print it

Step 3: On D-Day, present your Card with the QR Code (via your phone or in paper version) to collect your bib

Medical certificate or license

In the interests of simplicity and consistency for all those registered for the 6000D, the race regulations remain unchanged for this 2024 edition.
A medical certificate is still required to finalize your registration.
The PPS system will be introduced for the 2025 edition.
Thank you for your understanding.

This year we are entrusting the management of supporting documents to Dokeop, a document management platform (medical certificates, sports licenses, …) designed to make your life easier when registering for competitions.

As for the accepted licences :

  • Athlé Compétition, Athlé Entreprise, Athlé Running or “Pass’ J’aime Courir” issued by the FFA and with a valid date.
  • A sports licence, valid on the date of the competition, issued by one of the approved federations and on which must appear, by any means, the non-contraindication to the practice of sport in competition, athletics in competition or running in competition.

How does it work?
You will no longer be asked to provide a medical certificate or a copy of your licence when you register online for the event.

1/ Once you have registered for the event, you will receive an email from Dokeop inviting you to submit your document on its platform.
Please note: the email from Dokeop is sent to the email address you used to register for the event. Also remember to check your spam.
At any time, it is possible to receive a new document submission link from the email address you used to register for the event. Just go to the Dokeop homepage (click on “submit a document”) or directly to the link renewal page.
2/ As soon as your document is checked, Dokeop will inform us of its status (valid / refused / awaiting document / awaiting validation) so that we can update and, if necessary, finalise your registration.
Please note: The creation of a Dokeop member account is not mandatory to submit your document. However, we advise you to do so if you wish to benefit from all the advantages (recognition of your document for your next registrations / secure storage / reminder before expiry / personalised dashboard)
If you have any questions or complaints regarding the processing of your document, please consult the Dokeop FAQ.

Medical certificate template

Use Dokeop’s medical certificate template generator to guarantee the validation of your supporting document for any type of sports competition or licence application.

For any claim related to the verification of your supporting document, we invite you to contact the Dokeop teams directly at the following address:

Rules of the race

The Organizer entrusts DOKEOP SAS with the management of supporting documents via its application. Its missions are :

  • Collecting the supporting documents of the participants registered for the event.
  • Verify that these supporting documents comply with the rules of the event and the legislation in force.
  • Regular follow up by email of the participants who have not yet submitted their supporting documents.
  • Communicate the status of each verified supporting document to the organizer of the event: in wait of verification/ valid / refused
  • Archive these supporting documents on a secure server.

To finalize the registration for the event, the participant will receive an email from Dokeop inviting them to submit their application document within a time limit set by the organizer of the event. The use of the application implies the immediate and unconditional
acceptance of Dokeop’s terms and conditions.
The participant then must follow the link to the Application. You are free to create a member account or not.
The Application is independent of the Sports Event Registration Platform used by the organizer.
The Participant or the gurdian guarantees the accuracy of the data transmitted as well as the authenticity of the supporting documents. In the absence of accuracy and/or authenticity of the supporting document, the participant may not claim either against DOKEOP SAS or against the Organizer, particularly in case of an accident occurring during his/her participation in the sporting event.
DOKEOP SAS reserves the right to refuse any document that it considers suspicious and possibly falsified with regard to a bundle of clues. It is reminded in this respect that the production of a false medical certificate constitutes an offence of forgery and use of forgery: article 441-1 of the Penal Code punishes this offence with a sentence of up to three years
imprisonment and a fine of up to 45,000 euros

It is specified that any Supporting Document submitted by an Athlete or his/her legal representative must meet the requirements set out in the French Sports Code (Articles L231-2 et seq.) for Athletes who wish to practice within the federal framework because they wish to participate in a sports competition authorised by a sports federation.

Medical certificates must mention: (i) the absence of any contraindication to the practice of the sport or discipline concerned “in competition” or “as a leisure activity”, (ii) be dated less than one year before the date of the competition for participation in a competition without a licence and (iii) include the contact details, signature and stamp of the doctor who carried out the Athlete’s examination.

In the case of disciplines with particular constraints as referred to in article L231-2-3 of the French Sports Code, a medical certificate less than one (1) year old must be provided establishing the absence of contraindication to the practice of the discipline concerned only when obtaining the first licence and then when renewing it.

In accordance with article D. 231-1-4-1 of the French Sports Code, for minors, with a view to registering for a sporting competition as referred to in article L. 231-2-1, the athlete and the persons exercising parental authority shall jointly fill in a questionnaire relating to his or her state of health, the content of which is specified in article A. 231-3 of the French Sports Code.

The persons exercising parental authority over the minor athlete shall certify to the Organiser that each of the sections of the questionnaire is answered in the negative. Failing this, they are required to produce a medical certificate attesting to the absence of contraindication to the practice of the sport or discipline concerned “in competition” or “in leisure” dating back no more than six (6) months.

Dokeop accepts Supporting Documents written in the languages accepted by the regulations of the federation of the discipline concerned. If not specified in the rules, only Supporting Documents written in French or in a foreign language with a French translation are accepted. The content of the French translation shall prevail over the content in the foreign language.

Withdrawal of race numbers

Consult the places and times of your race in the presentation tab

Entry fees

La 6000D

Opening of registration :
December, 2023

Closing of registration :
Sunday July 21, 2024

Your entry fees includes :

your 6000D gift, a meal after race, your certificate, a Finisher’s present for all finishers and your finisher video .

Limit number of runners :

Registration fees

December, 2023 to March 31, 2024 :

from april 1, 2024 to May 31, 2024 :

from June 1, 2024 to July 21, 2024 :

La 6000D en relais à 3

Opening of registration :
December 2023

Closing of registration :
Sunday July 21, 2024

Your entry fees includes :

your 6000D gift, your certificate and a Finisher’s present for all finishers and your finisher video.

Limit number of runners :
250 team

Registration fees

December 2023 to March 31, 2024 :

from April 1, 2024 to May 31, 2024 :

from June 1, 2023 to July 21, 2024 :

La 6 Défi (6D Marathon 43km + 6D Lacs 30km + 6 Découverte 11km)

Opening of registration :
December 2023

Closing of registration :
Sunday July 21, 2024

Your entry fees includes :

your 6000D gift, your certificate and a Finisher’s present for all finishers and your finisher video.

Limit number of runners :
250 team

Registration fees

December 2023 to March 31, 2024 :

from April 1, 2024 to May 31, 2024 :

from June 1, 2023 to July 21, 2024 :

La 6D Marathon

Opening of registration :
December 2023

Opening of registration :
Sunday July 21, 2024

Your entry fees includes :

your 6000D gift, your certificate, a Finisher’s present for all finishers and your finish video.

Limit number of runners :

Registration fees

December 2023 to March 31, 2024 :

from April 1, 2024 to May 31, 2024 :

from June 1, 2024 to July 21, 2024 :

La 6D Lacs

Opening of registration :
December 2023

Fermeture des inscriptions :
Sunday July 21, 2024

Your entry fees includes :

your 6000D gift, your certificate, a Finisher’s present for all finishers and your finish video.

Limit number of runners :

Registration fees

December 2023 to March 31, 2024 :

from April 1, 2024 to May 31, 2024 :

from June 1, 2024 to July 23, 2024 :

La 6 Découverte

Opening of registration :
December 2023

Closing of registrations :
Sunday 21 July, 2024

Your entry fees includes :

your 6000D gift, your certificate and a Finisher’s present for all finishers.

Limit number of runners :

Registration fees

December 2023 to March 31, 2024 :

from April 1, 2024 to May 31, 2024 :

from June 1, 2024 to July 23, 2024 :

La 6 Défoulée

Opening of registration :
December 2023

Closing of registrations :
Sunday 21 July, 2024

Your entry fees includes :

your 6000D gift, your certificate and a Finisher’s present for all finishers.

Limit number of runners :

Registration fees

December 2023 to March 31, 2024 :

from April 1, 2024 to May 31, 2024 :

from June 1, 2024 to July 21, 2024 :

La 6D Bob

Opening of registration :
December 2023

Closing of registrations :
Wednesday July 24, 2024 at 2pm

Your entry fees includes :

your bibs

Limit number of runners :

Registration fees

December 2023 to July 24, 2024 at 2pm :

Leisure category

Without medical certificate and no classification.


With medical certificate or license and classification

Registrationon site

Between 3pm and 4pm depending on availability

La 6D Kid’s

Opening of registration :
December 2023

Closing of registrations:
Wednesday July 24, 2024 at 2pm

Your entry fees includes :

your bibs

Limit number of runners :

Registration fees

December 2023 to July 24, 2024 at 2pm:

Registration on site

Between 10 am and 12.30pm depending on available places

In case of cancellation

No refund possible 

La 6D Aventure

Opening of registration :
Friday July 26, 2024
Same day only on site from 4.30pm to 5.30pm

Children and parents entertainment
6 to 16 years old for children

Registration fees
