La 6D Kid’s

Logo 6D Kids

La 6D Kid’s

by | Nov 4, 2020


The 6D Kid’s is an animation intended for children to participate in the great weekend of the 6000D.
On the Plagne Centre snow front, the 500m or 1000m loops will be completed one or more times depending on the age category.

6D Kids-JNJ Photos

Organization of the 6D Kid’s

THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 2024
500 meter OR 1000 meter loop on a marked course with checkpoints

Race information

  • Altitude at starting and finish point : 1979 m
  • 500 meter OR 1000 meter loop on a marked course with checkpoints
  • Starting order by categories (small to large)
  • Price 4€ : Online registration within the limits of the places available
  • End of registration on Wednesday , July 24, 2024 at 2:00 pm depending on availability
  • Limited to 400 kid’s
  • Bibs given out at the starting point in Plagne Centre
  • Dates of birth that qualify for the race : 2009 – 2018
  • Non-timed animation, no ranking
  • The medical certificate is not mandatory
  • Compulsory equipment: your 4 safety pins or other hooks for the bib.

Collection of Bibs

You can pick up your number at Plagne Centre from 10.30 am, July 25th, on race day

Categories and distance to run

  • EA Eveil 1 :  2017 à 2018 – 500 meters
  • EA Eveil 2 :  2013 à 2014 – 500 meters
  • Poussins :    2013 – 2014 – 1000 meters
  • Benjamins : 2011 – 2012 – 2000 meters
  • Minimes :    2009 – 2010 – 3000 meters


INFORMATION: the age limit for the 6D Kid’s is 6 years old in the year (2018) and for older children 15 years old in the year (2009)