The 6 Découverte is organised by the Tourist Office backed by the municipality of la Plagne Tarentaise and the Société d’Aménagement de la Plagne.
The 6 Découverte is a nature event along the footpaths of La Plagne, starting and finishing in Plagne Centre.
The event is run in a single stage at the runners, 11km with 600 m elevation gain.
The course is marked with marks on the ground, tape and wooden sign posts.
the departure will be given at 9:30 am from Plagne Center, on Thursday July 31, 2025
ITRA assessment for 2024
La 6 Découverte 2024 – La 6000D
- Points ITRA: 0
- Mountain points : 6
- Distance / elevation gain : 11.00km / 600m+
- Link to the race in ITRA’s website :
Entry conditions
To take part, it is essential
- you are fully aware of the distance and specific nature of the event and are fully trained for it
- before starting the race you have achieved an effective level of autonomy enabling you to deal with the problems inherent to this type of event, notably :
- the ability to tackle the potentially difficult weather conditions due to the altitude ( wind, cold, rain or snow) without assistance
- the ability to cope with the physical and mental problems resulting from extreme fatigue, digestive problems, muscle or joint pain, small injuries, etc.
- that you are fully aware that it is not the role of the organisers to help a runner to deal with these problems
- that you are fully aware that in such “nature” events, safety depends on the runner’s ability to adapt to problems that they encounter or anticipate.
Dogs are not allowed with the runner
This race is open to anybody, male or female, born in or before 2009 (cadets to veterans categories 8 ), licensed or not.
Category of FFA
Masters 8: 1950 to 1946
Masters 7: 1955 to 1951
Masters 6: 1960 to 1956
Masters 5: 1965 to 1961
Masters 4: 1970 to 1966
Masters 3: 1975 to 1971
Masters 2: 1980 to 1976
Masters 1: 1985 to 1981
Masters 0: 1990 to 1986
Seniors: 1991 to 2002
Espoirs : 2003 to 2005
Junior : 2006 to 2007
Cadet : 2008 to 2009
INFORMATION: minimum age for 6 Découverte is 16 years (born in or before 2009)
Classifications and awards
In the 6 Découverte, only those runners who reach the finish in Plagne Centrewill be classified.
- All the results will be online at
Scratch : 1st, 2nd, 3rd – Women and Men
Cadet : 1st – Women and Men
Junior : 1st – Women and Men
Espoirs : 1st – Women and Men
Séniors : 1st – Women and Men
Masters 0 : 1st – Women and Men
Masters 1 : 1st – Women and Men
Masters 2 : 1st – Women and Men
Masters 3 : 1st – Women and Men
Masters 4 : 1st – Women and Men
Masters 5 : 1st – Women and Men
Masters 6 : 1st – Women and Men
Masters 7 : 1st – Women and Men
Masters 8 : 1st – Women and Men
Medical certificate PPS or license
PPS or licence required to validate registration, opening of online registration on 3 may for the PPS
awaiting confirmation for 2025PPS (new medical certificate) – valid for 3 months, opening of online registration on 30 April 2025
or licence
For this edition, the PPS will be compulsory
The FFA has introduced the Parcours Prévention Santé (PPS) for all non-licensed adult participants in running competitions organised in France, replacing the medical certificate.
In the 3 months prior to the competition, all non-licensed adult participants must log on to the platform to follow the awareness-raising stages, via educational content (text and video). At the end of the course, the participant receives a PPS code to be registered.
The following licences are accepted:
Athlé Compétition, Athlé Entreprise, Athlé Running or ‘Pass’ J’aime Courir’ issued by the FFA and valid at the time of registration.
A sports licence, valid on the date of the competition, issued by one of the approved federations and showing, by any means, that there are no contraindications to the practice of competitive sport, competitive athletics or competitive running.
Reminder: don’t forget to recalculate your FFA licences regularly.
Edit menu > Advanced settings > Check FFA licences
Semi self-sufficiency
The principle of individual racing in semi-self-sufficiency is the rule.
On the 6 Découverte, there will be no refreshments on the course, only at the finish.
The organisation provides still and sparkling water. You will also fresh and dried fruit, soup, sugar, sweet and salty biscuits.
The rider must ensure that they have enough food and water to reach the finish line. You must have a zipped bag to put your food in at the finish.
Maximum number of runners
Limited to 500 Runners
Cancelling your registration
As part of your online registration (prior to payment), you can take out Beticketing cancellation insurance with MutuAide in the event of unforeseen and/or accidental inability to take part in the event. Simply return to your runner’s area and request a refund.
- You will be reimbursed 80% of the registration fee in the days following the event by providing the required proof.
- Insures all unforeseeable and sudden causes
- Refund within 72 hours by bank transfer
You will always be asked for the reason for cancellation. You will be asked to provide proof to validate your request for reimbursement.
Cancellation or postponement of the trip is not covered by the insurance.
Please note that if you subsequently cancel or transfer your entry to another event, the insurance will be lost.
Important / team registration, insurance is an individual option that must be taken out for each team member.
Please note that the cancellation insurance only covers the registration and not the paying options subscribed in the form.
You have insured your race number when you registered and you need information? Please contact Assur Connect on
It is not possible to exchange your race number (race or runner) or to resell your race number.
Please note that an identity card is required to collect your race number.
Compulsory material: mobile phone, reusable cup or flask, a zipped bag to put your food at the arrival, your 4 safety pins or other hooks for the bib.
Hiking poles are allowed
N.B. It can be very cold at high altitude!
Strongly recommended : water and food reserves because there are no refreshments on the course
Bibs are handed out individually to each competitor, as long as they provide an identity document and the bib card which will be sent a few days before the event.
Anyone who has entered before the end of June 2025 will have their first name printed on their bib.
Bibs must be worn on the chest or stomach and must be visible at all times during the race.It must therefore always be worn above any clothing and may not be attached to a bag or a leg under any circumstances. The name and logos of the partners must not be modified or hidden.
You must bring your own safety pins to attach your bib in accordance with the regulations.
Bibs will be distributed
– Thursday July 31, 2025 in Plagne Centre from 7:30 am.
On presentation of your withdrawal card and an identity card
Safety and medical assistance
There will be 2 first aid posts set up at various points along the course. These posts will be in radio or telephone contact with race HQ.
A regulation medical team will be at race HQ in Aime or Plagne Centre throughout the whole event.
The first aid posts are there to assist anybody in danger using the organisers’ own means or those of the public health service.
It is up to a competitor who is in difficulty or seriously injured to call the rescue service:
- by going to a first aid post
- by calling race HQ. The phone number will be registered on the bib’s number
- by asking another runner to alert the rescue service
It is up to each competitor to assist anyone in danger and to alert the rescue service.
Remember that all sorts of unexpected weather or race-related occurrences can result in you waiting for rescue longer than expected.
Your safety will therefore depend on the quality of what you have in your bag.
A competitor who calls a doctor or a member of the rescue service subjects himself de facto to their authority and undertakes to accept his decisions.
Members of the rescue service following medical advice and the official doctors are empowered to:
- retire any runner incapable of continuing the event (by cancelling their number)
- evacuate runners they consider to be in danger by any means at their disposal.
Check points
All competitors must pass through the 2 control points (see the technical coordinates table of the course).
Dustbins will be placed at the departure and arrival. Participants must keep their rubbish and packaging until the places indicated by the organisation have been found to dispose of it.
Throwing any object, paper or rubbish on the road is strictly forbidden, immediate disqualification will take place if this rule is not followed.
Only runners wearing a visible number and duly checked have access to the refreshment posts.
The technical coordinates table of the race will identify the precise list of refreshment points, water and aid stations.
not planned
Abandonment and Repatriation
Except in the case of injury, competitors can only withdraw at a checkpoint. They must notify as soon as possible the person in charge of the checkpoint who will cancel their bib.
The person in charge of the checkpoint will decide how they will get the participant back to the start, according to the following general rules:
- Runners who abandon at another aid or supply post but whose state of health does not require evacuation must return to the nearest repatriation point as quickly as possible and by their own means.
With regard to aid stations accessible by car or 4×4: when the station closes, the organisation may, within the means available, repatriate runners who have abandoned and are still present at the station.
- In the event of unfavourable weather conditions justifying the partial or total stoppage of the race, the organisation will ensure the repatriation of the riders stopped as soon as possible
Runners who withdraw and meet the sweeper will have their bib cancelled by him. The runner is then no longer under the control of the organisers .
Race marshals present on the course, and the heads of the various checkpoints and feed stations are empowered to enforce the rules and to immediately apply a disqualification in the event of non-compliance, according to the following rules:
An automatic disqualification applies in the following cases:
- If you are out of time at a time barrier you will also have to hand in your number to the head of post or the race director
- Failure or refusal to enter the start locker to activate the electronic chip
- Cutting a corner to make a significant shortcut
- Throwing of rubbish (voluntary act) by a competitor or a member of his entourage. Waste bins will be placed at the feed zones. Participants must keep their rubbish and packaging until the places indicated by the organisation have been found to dispose of it. Throwing any object, paper or rubbish on the road is strictly forbidden, an immediate disqualification will take place.
- Lack of respect for individuals (officials or competitors)
- Not assisting someone in difficulty
- Cheating (example: using means of transport, sharing a bib …)
- Failure to carry an electronic chip
- Failure to pass through a checkpoint
- Refusal to comply with an instruction from race management, a race commissioner, the person in charge of a checkpoint or feeding station, a doctor or a member of the rescue service
- Refusing a drug test
- Leaving a checkpoint after the time limit
- Any other infringement of the rules will incur a sanction to be decided by the race jury
Drug testing
Any competitor may be subjected to a drug test during the event or at the finish. In the event of refusal or non-compliance, the athlete will be sanctioned as though he had been convicted of drug-use.
Alteration to the course / cancellation of the race
The organisers reserve the right to alter the course or location of the first aid posts and food stations at any time and without notice.
Should the weather be too bad (heavy rain or snow at altitude, high risk of storm …) the start may be delayed.
In case of bad weather and for safety reasons, the organisers reserve the right to stop the event, change the route or alter the time limits.
In case of cancellation of the event for all causes, no refund will be possible (a possible postponement of part of the registration fee may be considered for the following year)
Civil liability:
The organisers hold civil liability insurance for the duration of the event, which covers financial loss for which they, their officials or the participants are responsible.
Individual accident:
Each competitor must have personal accident insurance covering possible search and rescue costs in France. Such insurance can be taken out with any organisation of the competitor’s choice, and in particular with the GBC Montagne insurance company, partner of the 6000D:
Impact Multisports is a specific insurance for sports activities.
Road book: technical information table
The table can be downloaded from the web site. It includes a map of the race and useful information such as time limits and location of feeding stations, first aid posts, and treatment stations. Supporters can go and watch the runners at the places indicated in the tab – More Informations (Acess).
Image rights
According to Article L333-2 of the Sports Code, “the organizers of sports events […] are the owners of the right to use the events or competitions they organize.”
Participants are informed that the Grande Plagne Tourist Office, holder of the exploitation rights for the various 6000D races, may be required to photograph and/or film the event in order to promote future competitions. This filming can be carried out by flying over the courses of the various races with the Phantom2 studioSport remote-controlled aircraft.
The image of the participants captured during the event may be freely distributed by the Grande Plagne Tourist Office, provided that
• there is a link between the image and what it illustrates
• the image does not offend the dignity of the person
• that the image is not used for commercial purposes.
The 6000D is a legally registered trademark. Any communication about the event or the use of images of the event must respect the name of the event, registered trademarks and with the official agreement of the organization.
No photos of the 6000D event may be sold without the agreement of the race director.
Acceptance of the race regulations and charter
Taking part in the 6000D implies unreserved acceptance of the present regulations and the race charter below :
Runners , volunteers, organisers and their sponsors are all taking part in the same adventure and share the same values:
The rules are designed for everyone and applied to everyone equally.
No cash endowments and all entrants receive the same prize and all finishers get a gift Finisher.
Respect for people
Respecting oneself and others by not allowing cheating of any sort
Respect for the volunteers who also participate for the pleasure of it
Respect for the local population that hosts the race
Respect for the organisation and its partners
Sharing and solidarity
Making it a priority to help anyone in danger or difficulty.
Exploring one’s limits
Learn to know oneself and develop one’s autonomy in order to reach the maximum of one’s commitment while respecting one’s physical and moral integrity.
Respect for our planet
Never throw anything on the ground.
Respect the fauna and flora.
Do not cut the paths, as this causes damaging erosion of the site.
Use public transport or carpooling for yourself and those accompanying you.
You should bring your own foldable reusable cup as there will be no more disposable cups at the refreshment posts to limit waste.
There will be a large number of sorting bins at each feed station, which must be used.